PhD School

ACM Multimedia Asia 2021 will be held in a hybrid mode by offering both online and offline events. A live in-person PhD School with an online-broadcasting component will be enabled. It is physically held in Beijing, Chengdu, Sydney and Brisbane simultaneously on Day 3. This brand new session targets research students and early career researchers interested in exploring emerging research topics in Multimedia. It provides strategies on how to approach PhD study and pursue research excellence (e.g., Keynote 3), opportunities to communicate with senior researchers (e.g., on-site tutorials), and PhD presentation training (e.g., PhD lightning talk competition).

Live Lightning Talks

PhD Lightning Talks Speaker Affliation*
A Framework of Noisy-Label Learning by Semi-Supervised Learning Zhuowei Wang UTS
Attention Learning in Human Action Recognition Kumie Gedamu UESTC
Brain-Machine Interface for Web Search Ziyi Ye Tsinghua
CausalRec: Causal Inference for Visual Debiasing in Visually-Aware Recommendation Ruihong Qiu UQ
Federated Prototype Learning over Heterogeneous Devices Yue Tan UTS
Multi-VAE: Learning Disentangled View-common and View-peculiar Visual Representations for Multi-view Clustering Jie Xu UESTC
Few shot talking face synthesis with diversified styles Haozhe Wu Tsinghua
Early Detection of Sugarcane Disease Using Hyperspectral Imaging Dong Bao Griffith
Into-the-Unknown: Uncertainty Evaluation for Multimedia Environments Xuesong Wang UNSW
Towards Semantical and Interactive Image Manipulation Sitong Su UESTC
Mental Health Computing via Harvesting Social Media Data Tiancheng Shen Tsinghua
Improving Generalization of Feature Distillation Yudong Chen UQ
Generalization and Specialization in Zero-shot Learning Yun Li UNSW
Why Temporality is important for Knowledge Graph? Jiasheng Zhang UESTC
Relevance Estimation with Multimodal Information Sources Junqi Zhang Tsinghua
Learning to Diversify for Single Domain Generalization Zijian Wang UQ


  • Griffith:  Griffith University
  • Tsinghua:  Tsinghua University
  • UESTC:  University of Electronic Science and Technology of China
  • UNSW:  University of New South Wales
  • UQ:  University of Queensland
  • UTS:  University of Technology Sydney

Last updated on 26 November, 2021 .